Beautiful Ugly {May Blog Circle}

This month for my blog circle the theme is “Beautiful Ugly”.  Have you ever looked at something and just couldn’t get over the fact of how ugly it was?  Maybe it’s a pillow from your grandma’s couch, the drapes or carpet from your bedroom growing up, or maybe the hair style you thought was styling when you were in 7th grade?  Whatever it is, there is a beautiful side to it…it just depends how you look at it.

The husband and I are currently remodeling our home so a few rooms / areas are not looking quite picture perfect.  🙂  This is a light in our downstairs bathroom.  A simple light bulb sticking out of the wall with drywall mud all around it.

Follow the circle onto Dina’s interpretation of “Beautiful Ugly”!


4 Replies to “Beautiful Ugly {May Blog Circle}”

  1. Love your use of light here, both in the literal sense, and the artistic sense. Lovely job of capturing it from so many creative angles.

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