Print Image Inspiration – Image Boxes

Talk to any photographer and they will tell you to print your images and don’t just have them on your computer. I can’t help but agree. But you don’t have to print your images and put them in a boring photo album there are tons of other fun ways to print, display, and store your images. One of my current favorite ways to store the images of my little guy is in personalized photo boxes. I am 100% guilty of taking a million photos of my little guy and I created personalized image boxes to store all my photos. I broke my boxes down to 3-month increments because I had so much to put inside each box.

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I customized these boxes to match with my little guy’s room decor and each box has personalized photos from that time period on the cover. It’s so amazing to sit down and look at the photos from when my little man was a newborn. I know it’s only been 8 1/2 months but I still feel like he’s grown so much already.

These boxes can also double as little keepsake boxes. I have a mixture of ultrasound images, hospital bracelets, and images in my son’s Newborn box.

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I can just imagine sitting down with my son when he is older and looking through all the images of him as a baby. Sharing with him, stories from when he was as a baby and how much his mom and dad love him.

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Do you have a form of a keepsake box for your little one?