Bannor Toys Recommendation {Mommy Talk, Antioch IL Photographer}

Becoming a mom I’ve found I live for mommy recommendations and reviews! I don’t think I have bought anything baby related or read any mommy books without reading reviews first.  I wanted to share with you a toy company that Andrew and I just adore, Bannor Toys! They are a small business located in Iowa run by the most adorable little family.

Bannor Toys makes the most beautiful high quality wooden toys I have ever seen. Everything they make is safe for little nibblers and educational as well! I feel these toys are so classic in their design that they double as decor and toys. Bannor Toys has such a great range of toys for little babies to older toddlers that you are likely to find something for your little one!

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One characteristic of these toys that I love is the fact that you can personalize just about every toy! You can get your little one’s name or a sweet message engraved in the toy for a special treat. How cute for your little one to have a toy with a special message from a loved one engraved in it to keep forever?!?! One of my favorite products that they have are these super cute State Rattles. You can customize the color disks and add birth stats to the rattle. What an adorable keepsake toy or birth gift!

Bannor Toys also has this very addictive toy release schedule that may cause me to frequently make sure I get packages before daddy gets home! Every two weeks they release a Bannor Limited Toy that is only available for two weeks or while supplies last. Let me tell you…these toys are always so stinkin’ adorable you need some strong will power to not buy everything! I will also confess that Andrew is the proud owner of quite a few of these limited toys.

One of Andrew’s current favorite toy is the multi stacker. He will sit quietly for a good 20 minutes pulling off and putting on the different shapes. We got this toy personalized with the family last name for a cute extra touch. Not only is this toy great for working on Andrew’s fine motor skills with putting the shapes on the pegs but it’s also a great way for him to learn his shapes and counting. We can count the shapes and talk about the different shapes. A win for mommy and Andrew!

bannor toys Kate fredrick photography 3bannor toys Kate fredrick photography 2

You can find more info about Bannor Toys from their social media sites and website.

bannor toys Kate fredrick photography 4

I would love to know what toy your little one would love?
Also, if you are interested in getting a toy be sure to use the Coupon Code: LOYALTY5 for a 5% discount on your purchase. (Some exclusions do apply.)

(This review is 100% unsolicited…I’m just a mom who loves these toys and wanted to share!)

Life with a Two Year Old {Mommy Life, Antioch IL Photographer}

Hi Friends! I know it’s been a while since I’ve last posted. After becoming a mom I decided to take some time to spend with my family. I had to figure out this crazy new life of being a mom. I’m now back and so excited to use some of my mommy skills during your photo session!

But what have I really been up to lately with a two year old?

  1. Learn to splash in puddles.

    Having a curious kid who loves water has been such a blast this summer. We embrace every puddle, pool, bath possible! At first my fear kicked in of not letting him drink the water but now I no longer worry about a little dirt. Why the change? Andrew decided to put a handful of real dirt in his mouth and let me just tell you how impossible that is to get out.

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  2. Lawn work really isn’t that bad

    To say Andrew is obsessed with lawn mowers is an understatement! He screams with delight when we talk about mowing the lawn and he is more than willing to help right besides us. The joy that he finds in the simple tasks take away the drudgery of doing the task. It also gives mommy great photo opportunities.

    Lawn Mowing Helper 2Lawn Mowing Help 1

  3. Have fun everyday.

    Jump like no one is watching…I know the saying is really dance like no one is watching but when you are a 36 year old mom bouncing along in a bounce house you have to release your fear and bounce like no one is watching. Little kids don’t care who is around them or what they are doing, they are going to have fun and we should too! I can often get caught up in my never ending to-do list but sometimes you need to pause and do something enjoyable. Your little one is only going to be this little once in their life.

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How has your summer been so far? Are you taking time to spend with your family and embracing the joys of being a kid?



All that Giggles {Lake County IL, Family Photographer}

I love the minute you meet a family and you know they are going to be fun!  This family was completely that way.  The giggles and smiles were endless no matter what happened.  It’s always fun to see how carefree and happy kids are in their own environment, especially when juice / milk breaks are a common must for all of my photo sessions.

Being a big sister myself it was so cute to see how much this big sister loved her little brother. My favorite moment of the entire photo session was when she ran up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  His reaction was pure happiness and joy! What do you think of his little smile?  Melts my heart…

We ended our session in quite possibly the coolest way I could image…playing with Play Dough and bubbles!  I know I had a blast with this little family…I sure hope they had the same with me!

Close Family {Round Lake Beach IL, Family Photographer}

Do you have family that live close by or far away?  Do you visit your relatives by car, plane, or boat?  Do you see everyone daily, monthly or annually?

I’m pretty lucky with having a majority of my family close by, with the exception of a few that live a bit farther away.  My Aunt, Uncle and cousins are one of these families…they live just over the state line in Minnesota.  Last weekend we were all together for another family member’s wedding.  It’s always so fun to see how much everyone has grown and what is going on in each other’s lives; braces, karate, driving licenses, and school fun.

It’s great to realize that with family, it really doesn’t matter how far or close they live from you…family is always close by.


Brian & Kelly Family {Vernon Hills IL, Family Photographer}

I love surprises; how about you?  My husband isn’t always in for surprises but I’m working on him.  I figure when kids come along so will all the fun family surprises.  Right before Mother’s Day this little family contacted me about doing a surprise photo shoot for some Mother’s Day gifts.  I couldn’t resist this cute bunch, can you?  We were lucky enough to have the rain stop and the sun come out in the Chicagoland area for a Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago.  Spending an afternoon with this family taught me a few things.

1. Bubbles always make things more fun.

2. Having a sister is quite awesome.

3. Give kids an open field and they will run off energy you can only wish you had 30 years their senior.

4. Family photography is such a joy.


Vernon Hills IL Family Photographer

Vernon Hills Child Photographer Park

Vernon Hills Family Photographer Bridge

Vernon Hill IL Children Photographer

Vernon Hills Children Photographer Smiles

Vernon Hills Child Photographer Bridge

Vernon Hills Family Photographer Bridge