Session Styling – New Studio Location {Libertyville IL, Newborn Photographer}

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So I have some exciting news to share with everyone! I’m expanding…and no, not physically – I’m trying to retract from the pregnancy.

Kate Fredrick Photography is expanding!

I now have a studio that I can capture amazing images of you and your little one in!  AHH…how awesome is that. The studio space is located in Libertyville and it is just pure perfection.

Why did I get a studio? The reasons are many…we live in the midwest where it’s freezing cold 90% of the time, you are a busy family and prepping for a photo session is hard enough to plan clothing wise to add cleaning to the list can be overwhelming, we live in the midwest where it rains, etc…

But the main reason I decided to get a studio space was to be able to capture more amazing images of your family. I fell in love with taking images of my little man in our guest bedroom…just him, a white blanket and beautiful light. I wanted you to have the option to get those same types of images of your little one and family.

Don’t worry…I will still be offering sessions at your home and outside but now there is also the option for a studio set up!

I hope you’ll join me in the studio!

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Mommy Chat – Breastfeeding


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Oh nelly…It’s about to get very open and honest here…

Want to know a little secret…My little man was fed 99% on formula.

Before you start to cast judgment and think “How could she do that?!?! Doesn’t she know breast is best?”

I do!

And I honestly put 100% into trying to feed my baby with the best possible food source there is…but, in the end, it just didn’t work for me.  I tried pumping around the clock, I spent hours on google and Pinterest trying every different pumping schedule possible, I took 5 different herbal pills that either made me smell like maple syrup or gave me terrible migraines, I spent money on nasty tasting lactation cookies that were dry and gross, and I spent time meeting with lactation consultants who said my little man’s latch was perfect, yet through everything I tried, nothing worked.  I was lucky if two days’ worth of pumping resulted in 2oz of milk for my little man, who was eating 4 ounces every 4 hours.  And I know that even the littlest amount is better than none…so, I continued to struggle and work at it for three months. At that time I was down to making less than 2 ounces in three days. I finally realized that I was missing out on spending time with my little man for very little in return and I stopped everything, the pills, put away the pump, deleted my saved Pinterest pins and I went to play with my little guy.

I could sit here and try to blame the fact that he was born via C-section and I had a rough recovery or that he was put in the NICU for 5 days after delivery or the fact that we never got any good skin-to-skin at the beginning because of my recovery or his monitoring cords and IV in the NICU but what good would that do? Nothing, but bring up those feelings of not being good enough or fear that others will think I didn’t really try.

They tell you in your breastfeeding class that everyone can feed their baby, it’s natural. But that’s a lie.  A lie, to make you feel like you are failing and something is wrong with you if you can’t feed your baby. But I want all the mommies who have struggled with feeding their babies to know that it’s ok!  We are still amazing moms who love our babies just as much as every other mommy out there!

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I remember being so afraid to leave the house when my little guy was first born because I didn’t want someone to see me giving him formula and judge me.  Then I would read people posting online about the struggle breastfeeding mommies were going through and part of me wished I would have that struggle…but I didn’t.  We tend to forget about the other side of the coin in situations.

Instead, I realized that no matter how I fed my baby I was open to scrutiny on my choices. The irony though is that it wasn’t a choice I got to make, it was a choice I was given.  My wish is that the next time you see a mommy feeding their baby, no matter how they are feeding their little one, we show them kindness for they are taking care of the next generation and tell them that they are doing a great job!  We need to raise each other up instead of tear each other down.

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Session Styling: Things that inspire my photography

Everyone sees the world differently, just like the old saying of the glass being half full versus being half empty. The reason we all see things so differently is because of who we are…our experiences, our personalities, our passions. A big part of the journey to becoming a photographer is understanding how you see the world and capturing that in a photo. For some photographers it can happen quickly, for others they will make multiple twists and turns to find their view…and in truth, a photographer’s view can be ever changing. For me, I’ve figured out a few things that have really helped me with how I view my world and how it has shaped my photography.

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  1. My baby

Becoming a mom has greatly changed my world and photography. I have a new found understanding of all the little details and nuances specific to a baby. I want to capture photos of my little man regarding who he is, his personality, his little details so I when I see them years later I am brought back to those moments and memories. Our children are only little once and they seem to grow at lightning speed. When I photograph your baby I want to capture images that you will be able to look back at and recall just who they were at that moment in life.

2. My personality

I am a quiet, calm, simple person. I’m not a large crowd type of person and would much rather stay home with my husband and son to going out to a bar or club. This calm, quiet, simple side of me is carried through my photography with soft colors, simple set-ups, and classic poses. I love working with newborns because they too do best in calm quiet situations. Newborns and I are a match made in heaven.

3. My guest bedroom

I am a natural light photographer…what does that mean? It means I love to use the sun as my light source instead of flash or any other external light. When we moved into our new house I found that our guest bedroom had the most amazing light coming through the windows and it’s where I spend a majority of my photography time capturing memories of my son. It’s the type of light that adds a soft glow to my images and an almost dreamy feel. I search for this same light in your home and my new studio. Clean white light is how I want my photos to look.

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When you think of your life, what inspires you? Is it your kids…your job…your hobbies?

Ross Newborn {Libertyville IL, Newborn Photographer}

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I was so excited for this little family when they told me they were adding to their family. I had gotten the privilege to photograph their first little boy when he was a brand new baby and now I got the privilege to photograph his little sister. Little Lady Z was just amazing during the photo session and didn’t make even the tiniest of noises the entire time. She curled right up in every pose and took a nice long nap during the photo session.

This little lady has the softest of details; lips, toes, fingers and even eyelashes. She is just petite and perfect in every way!

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We had to do a little football pose for Daddy since he is pretty big Bear’s fan and since every little girl has a special bond with their Daddy it was only natural. How many of your daughters have a special little bond with their Dad’s? I know my son is a big Mommy’s boy and I just love the special relationship we have.

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I love how mommy had already started to spoil this little lady with all the cute bows and lace that come with being a little girl. The ruffly tush just makes me melt…but then again I love dressing my little man with appliqués on his tush since putting little ruffle bloomers on a little boy won’t necessarily be the best clothing choice. I can just see little lady taking ballet lessons with a cute little pink tutu on.

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Welcome to the family baby sister!

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Styling Session: 5 favorite boy newborn “props”

After becoming a mommy to a little boy I have to slightly confess that I fell in love with photographing little boys. Don’t get me wrong I love all the little bows and frills that come with girls but boys can have some special photo props as well! I want to share with you 5 of my current favorite boy props that I use during each photo session. Which of these do you like? One, Two, or all of them?

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  1. Packer Outfit

I got this outfit for my little boy when I found out I was pregnant. We are a big Packer family and I couldn’t just resist getting it as a surprise for my husband. Once it came I fell in love with how sweet it looked on my little man. What Daddy doesn’t want to imagine their little boy as an NFL player? I must also confess that I recently got a little Bears Outfit…it’s only fitting since I technically live in Bear Country.

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2. Gray wrap

Gray is one of my favorite colors for little boys. It’s a nice neutral color that goes with any nursery pallet and is a timeless color that will always be “in fashion”. This wrap is also one of my favorites because it has such a sweet tiny detail texture. So combined together this wrap is one of my go-to’s for little boy sessions.

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3. White background

This one is a given because I love to photograph all my sweet fresh babies on white. For me, the color white represents freshness, newness, purity…all things that I associate with newborns. White is such a nice base pallet to have because it allows you to add any little pop of color or keeps things very clean and simple. My favorite white blanket for boys has the tiniest of textures to add a little extra pop of softness to the images. I do actually have a girl version of the white blanket that is a little different.

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4. Teddy Bear

I love tiny stuffed animals and this teddy bear is such a perfect little thing to tuck under a little boy’s arm.  It’s the right size, not too big and not too small. When you think of your childhood it was very likely that you had some stuffed animal or blankie that you took everywhere with you…right? This little teddy bear brings me back to remembering my own blankie and stuffed kittie. I can’t help but wonder what item(s) each little baby of mine will have as they get older.

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5. Mommy’s Arms

OK…so maybe I’m cheating here but what baby doesn’t look good in their mommy’s arms? I love putting a baby in mommy’s arms because the look on a mommy’s face is pure love and joy. It also works in reverse and when a little boy is in his mommy’s arms a wave of peace and comfort comes over their faces. There is a special bond between little boys and their moms.