Becoming a Mommy {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

Becoming a mommy…has been the most amazing thing I’ve experienced so far in life. I know I’ve been a little quiet lately and truthfully I’ve sat down over a hundred times to post something or write about something but my little man has pulled me away; a distraction that I eagerly give my full attention. During these past few months I’ve learned how much one’s life can change.

Becoming a mommy…has showed me how quickly time goes by. One day he’s tucking his legs up under himself and falling asleep against my chest and the next day he’s stretching his little legs out as far as they can go. Every day I wake him up and realize he’s learned something new or has grown in some little way. Time feels like it is on warp speed some days.

Becoming a mommy…has showed me that you can love more than you ever thought possible. I never thought I would be happy to be awake at 4am or smile as I’m wiping baby puke off my shirt. Hearing little baby chatter or seeing his big grin as I sleepily walk into his room are moments that fill my heart fuller than what I thought possible.

Becoming a mommy…has made me realize that you can’t plan anything because a little 13lb, 24inch, drool covered boy has the real control. You can try to force him, try to trick him…but in the end it’s better to just let him drive and you join the ride.

Becoming a mommy…has made me an expert on google. I’ve realized that with becoming a new parent you will search everything possible on the internet, even after people tell you not to. You need reassurance that your baby’s poop is normal, that your hair will eventually stop falling out, that your child doesn’t have some crazy illness and instead just a little cold. For some strange reason, there is comfort from a stranger online.

Becoming a mommy…has showed me how much stronger I am than what I thought. I knew I could be stubborn and a fighter but after going through delivery and recovery my perspective on what I can do has been altered. I am one strong woman.

Becoming a mommy…has made me feel proud in my body. I have accomplished a dream of mine that I’ve been working towards for almost 5 years and I’ve put my body through so much and in the end it brought me my little man, perfect and safe. What more could I have ask for?

Becoming a mommy…has changed my marriage. The change though, has been for the better, a better I didn’t even think was possible. I have fallen in love with my husband all over again, but in a different way.  A way that showed me how amazing he can be with our son, how helpful he can be while recovering from delivery, how loving he can be while my emotions are adjusting from becoming a mommy.

So I ask that you please forgive me for being quiet lately…I’ve been experiencing this crazy life change of becoming a mommy.


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