Beach Fun {Racine Wi, Photographer}

This summer has been just beautiful for photos (minus the last week of rain and humidity) but trust me when you watch the next sunset…I bet it will be amazing! I love taking photos when the sun is screaming through the trees before it goes down at night giving everything it touches a beautiful golden glow.  This family’s session happened to be on the perfect night. I mean…there isn’t anything I would have changed, the sun, weather, location…it was magic. It’s the night I pray every client of mine gets to experience for their backdrop…the perfect backdrop.

I knew this family loved the outdoors.  They go to a cabin up north every summer, they enjoy cookouts with family / friends, and making trips to the local pool or Brewer’s games all summer long. This spot by the beach in Racine was perfect for them! I could envision the boys sitting in the tall grass watching the boats in the lake and the family sitting together on the pier with the sun just glowing behind them. Our night together was great…there were bubbles, playing in the sand, rock climbing and even taking an adventure walk to the big red lighthouse near by.  It was a time for the family to have fun, enjoy themselves and have some memories captured.

Here’s to the end of summer but not to forgetting how much fun it was!

Sweet Baby A {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

Meeting a new family is such a treat…especially when you realize how close your lives intersect with each other.  I was introduced to this family through a mutual friend and then ended up realizing my husband works for the same company as this little sweet baby girl’s daddy!  While I know my husband works for a larger company it’s still always fun to meet another “co-worker”.  My small town girl mentality kicks in when I meet someone who might possibly know similar people as me.

This little peanut was so sweet and sleepy during our photo session time together.  I’m sure the cozy warm bed and full belly had a lot to do with her sound sleeping…but I still would like to think that my baby whispering skills are amazing!  🙂  Baby A already has her mommy and daddy wrapped around her finger without even making a sound.  But by taking one look at her you too will realize it’s not hard to fall in love with those squishy little cheeks and tiny little toes.  It always fun to look a new baby and try to image what life they will have as they grow up… will they be a doctor?  will they travel the world?  will they become a mommy?  All those questions I’m sure can wait while baby A’s parents soak up every moment of her being little and new.

Welcome Baby A!

Are you expecting or do you know someone who is expecting?  I would love to photograph you / their new little one.  Please contact me with questions or for more information on your custom portrait experience!

Baby Samuel {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

A great part of photographing new babies is meeting new families.  This family just recently came to IL after living across the pond in Michigan…and I’ll be honest.  I’m so glad they came here!  Mom, Dad and big sister were so much fun to hang out with during their photo session and after!  Not only did I get to learn about Frozen and play dolls but I also love when you meet someone and the next thing you know you are talking about things so deep and personal…it’s almost as if you were long lost best friends from summer camp reconnecting.  We all have stories and journeys…it’s what makes us who we are and it’s something I love about working with people.  This little man was such a joy to photograph.  I can’t wait to watch him grow up and see what great things are in store for him and his life…I’m pretty sure he has some great blessings coming his way!

Are you expecting or do you know someone who is expecting?  I would love to photograph you / their new little one.  Please contact me with questions or for more information on your custom portrait experience!

Six Months {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

It’s crazy to think that this little guy is already 6 months old!  It feels like just the other day when I first met his Mom and Dad at Panera and he was just a few months away from even being born.  It’s so amazing to watch a little family grow and be able to capture moments along the way with them from their bump session to their newborn session.  This session was quite a treat because his little personality was shinning though…it was also the first time he got to see and touch grass. How were you when you first touched grass? Did you like it or hate it? My mom tells me stories of how I hated the grass as a little girl and how I would cry the second I was put down in it.  Go figure…this explain why I’m not a wilderness girl.  🙂  This little guy was the complete opposite of me and was so curious about the green stuff.  He could not get enough of it!  He would constantly crawl to the side of the blanket to reach for the green strings.  It was such a great moment to watch and capture.  I think they will have a hard time keeping this little one inside as he continues to grow up!

I can’t wait to see this little guy continue to grow!

Kate Fredrick Photography

Customize Your Session {Lake County IL, Photographer}

I love when a family brings along a little something special to add to their photo session…a personal touch. Your photos are meant to capture you and your family in this current moment…so why not include the little things that will bring back extra memories? I love how easy it is to simply add in a little toy or family pet to your session and suddenly your photos tell more about you!

Not sure what can make your session special?  Think about brining a child’s favorite toy or book. What about a special blanket or a piece of family jewelry? Here are some of my favorite examples of past clients that incorporated something special into their photos.

What would you include into your photo session?

Toys / Books: 

Kate Fredrick Photography

 Family Items (Blankets / Jewelry):

 Pets (We can’t forget our furry family members):