Sweet Baby C {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

I love how babies of the same gender seem to come in clusters. I’ll get 3 girls in a row and then 3 boys in a row. It’s as if, just when I’m itching to photograph the other gender, they arrive!  This little man came when I was itching for a little boy to photograph and he was a perfect little gentleman for me too!  He slept like a champ and let me and mommy have a hay day playing dress up with him.  He did decide to arrive early, which seems to be common for most of my mommy’s lately, but he was 100% perfect and ready for our time together.
Another fun little fact about this handsome little guy…he has the most adorable older fur brother! Fur brother was very keen to make sure nothing bad happened to his little brother during our time together and I think I showed him everything was safe. I can’t wait to see how this little man and his fur brother enjoys growing up together! One protecting the other until role reversal and the little one becomes bigger than the older one. Did you grow up with an older protective fur brother and then became the fur brother’s protector?

Take a peek at some of this handsome little man’s photos below!

Interested in seeing more?  Checkout my newborn portfolio!

Want to book your own personalized newborn session?  Checkout my newborn session information!

The Four P’s {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

A common question I get asked when a potential client inquires about my services is “Why should we pick you?” My response always covers the following four “P’s”.

  1. Portfolio.  Every photographer has their own style.  Some photographers capture very posed and polished looking photos while some capture more lifestyle and candid photos.  You need to figure out what style you like and select a photographer that shows similar photos. It’s very often that a posed / polished photographer can’t capture lifestyle / candid photos and vice versa.  Just think of it this way…would you go to a steak house and order sushi?  Not very likely.  Take some time and really look at each potential photographer’s portfolio…you’ll resulting images will be worth it!

    Checkout my newborn portfolio and my maternity portfolio!

  2. Personality. Every photographer is unique, just like every family is unique.  Be nosey and checkout the personal side of your potential photographers.  Do they share tons of photos from their night life and you prefer to stay inside? Maybe you aren’t a good match.  Do they talk about their crazy two year old’s latest temper tantrum and you can relate? Maybe you are a match.  What about giving your photographers a phone call? You can tell a lot about a person by how they carry a conversation…do they make you feel at ease, do they answer your questions clearly, do they inquire about you and your wants.  Be picky…feeling relaxed at your session will show in your photos!

  3. Products. What do you want to get out of your photo session?  Do you envision a large canvas above the fire place or are you looking to get a family heirloom album for your children to look back upon years down the road? Some photographers provide just digital images and leave the printing up to you, while others provide prints ready to be placed on your walls. Having some idea of what you want to do with the photos will help guide your photo session to meet those expectations.  For example, if you want an album, it’s common for photographers to capture the tiny details that add character to your story, while conversely; if you are looking for just a large statement piece the details won’t be as important to photograph.

  4. Price. I purposefully put this one last.  I know…I know…everyone has a budget but let me push you a little and just say “You get what you pay for”. Photography isn’t always cheap and when you think about all the time and effort a quality photographer will invest in your session you can understand the associated value. I’m not going to give you a lecture on all the time a photographer puts into a session, but rather present you with the thought that sometimes quality is worth the higher price point.  If budgets are tight, some photographers are willing to do payment plans or even custom packages to meet in the middle. But let me ask you this, would you go into a restaurant and negotiate a deal on dinner? Not very likely, so don’t expect photographers to give you a huge deal on their services / products.

There are so many photographers in your local area that I’m confident you will find the one that fits you perfectly.  Think of your search as if you are hunting for gold…the result will be worth it!


Want to book your own personalized maternity / newborn session?  Checkout my newborn session information and my maternity session information!

Woodbury Family {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

Letting a photographer in your home to capture your family often leads to deeper relationships than you envisioned. I can honestly say that many, if not all, of my families are more than my clients. We become friends that share life stories with each other and spend time after each session chatting. I remember the first time I met this little family. We met in a Starbucks and big sister joined Mom and I in chatting about little brother’s photos. That little coffee date has lead to a great friendship. This little family is moving on to another journey in their lives and I’m so happy to have been part of their year in Lake County. We’ve already promised to stay in touch and I can’t wait to meet the newest member of their little bunch.

It may be sappy but I love looking back over the year with this family and seeing how much they have grown. It’s clear that a lot has happened with this little bunch and every session we did they became cuter and cuter. A perfect way to end our time together…a standing little baby that I first met inside his mommy’s tummy!


Interested in seeing more?  Checkout my newborn portfolio!

Want to book your own personalized newborn session?  Checkout my newborn session information!


Macro Monday ~ Kissable Lips {Lake County IL, Newborn Photographer}

Yeah for Monday! Mainly because I get to share with you a favorite little macro shot…it’s all about the details!

This little lady’s lips were so adorable and I just love wondering what her little voice will sound like when she starts to talk or who these lips will kiss.  I’m sure Daddy wants very few people kissing these lips but they are so fresh and brand new…her whole life is ahead of her to experience. My wish is that these lips only kiss Princes!


Interested in seeing more?  Checkout my newborn portfolio!

Want to book your own personalized newborn session?  Checkout my newborn session information!


Macro Monday ~ Twinkle Toes {Lake County IL Newborn Photographer}

I know Monday’s are not the best day of the week…back to work, 5 long days until the weekend…but have no fear, it’s another Macro Monday. I figured I would share my second favorite little newborn part.  Any guesses???
It’s their tiny little twinkle toes!  I love how cute and bubbly they look…newborn cuteness overload!



Interested in seeing more?  Checkout my newborn portfolio!

Want to book your own personalized newborn session?  Checkout my newborn session information!